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( Communication strategy & transmedia campaign )


We needed to enhance the perception of the sector among younger populations by encouraging balanced and sustainable consumption associated with moments of enjoyment. Our goal was to raise awareness among Generation Z about the contributions of the industry to the economy, particularly in rural and disadvantaged areas, and to shift perceptions towards an affordable product.


We created a strategic platform “CONSCIOUS FREEDOM“ To highlight the power of individual choice, the freedom that everyone should enjoy and exercise without any feelings of guilt. 

We activated it by creating a creative campaign, strategic content pillars, and a relevant territory for Generation Z: Music.

We also developed a creative concept that championed the freedom to choose: “Let it beef!”. An invitation to freely choose whether to consume beef or not. It's about embracing the enjoyment of knowing that the meat we consume originates from cows raised in optimal conditions and through sustainable, environmentally friendly processes.

CD/AD : Natalia Arias - CD: Juan Zilli - Creative copywriters: Ana Benitez,  Laura Carmona

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Ig.    In.